Welcome to

Ken Anderson & Associates

Ken Anderson & Associates brings together 12 of Canada’s most accomplished and versatile communication professionals and one of the most respected voices in the Caribbean.

Each of our associates works independently under unified direction to offer an unparalleled level of creativity and service.

ATTENTION: Government of Canada Clients

Supply Arrangement for Learning Services 

Our award-winning training, coaching, and learning design services are available to all federal departments and agencies under PSPC Supply Arrangement # E60ZH-2100LS/004/ZH.

Supply Arrangement for Facilitation Services

Undertaking a change management initiative? Under Supply Arrangement E60ZT-18TSPS, our Facilitation Consultants assist all federal departments and agencies to work together better, forge common objectives, and plan how to reach those objectives. SA valid for Quebec, Ontario, Western, Pacific and Remote/Virtual Access regions.

Supply Arrangement for Business Consulting / Change Management

Federal departments and agencies across Canada can tap into our organization development, performance measurement and facilitation services under SA E60ZT-180027/237/ZT.

Supply Arrangement for Temp Help Services 

Our specialized Communications services are available to all federal departments and agencies under PSPC Supply Arrangement # EN578-1728/258/ZN for Categories 10.1 Communications, 10.2 Editor and 10.5 Writer (non-technical).

We Specialize In:

We have worked with clients in government, associations, not-for-profit organizations, and private industry, in Canada, the U.S, and abroad.

Contact us now for the following Learning Services across Canada.

We are available to deliver services in all 10 provinces and 3 territories, in English and in French.

Training & Meeting Facility

iQ Offices
222 Queen Street, 10th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1P 5V9

Ken Anderson & Associates
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

It’s Always Nice To Hear From Our Clients

« Je recommande cette formation à tous! »
Un scientifique du gouvernement du Canada
“Super impressed!”
Industry executive
“I wish I had taken this course (On-Target Media Relations) a year or two ago.”
Elected Official
“I’ve done several media training sessions in the past and yours was by far the best.”
Member of Parliament
“Great engagement. On-target comments.”
Fortune 500 President
“Very impressed with the prep work from your organization”
Senior Director, Quality Performance
“Impactful, useful training”
Government official
“Our people had a major update in front of our regulator and the public today. We relied on what we learned in your training and knocked it out of the park. Just wanted to thank you again.”
Private Sector Client
“6/5 stars! Truly excellent training.”
Program Coordinator
« Formation essentiel pour toute personne qui doit faire face aux médias »
Client du secteur public
“This is the second time I’ve taken media relations training, and your company’s delivery was exponentially better than the other company.”
Frequent Flyer
« Le meilleur formateur puisqu'il connait les deux cotes comme journaliste et porte-parole »
Fonctionnaire public
“One of the best courses I have taken in a long time!”
Not-for-profit leader
“I did a TV interview yesterday with CTV. After we were done the reporter remarked at how confident and to the point I was. I told him that the credit goes to your media training.”
Another Satisfied Client
« C'est incroyable à quel point les bons outils et la bonne formation peuvent vous donner beaucoup plus de confiance. »
Une représentante élue